Here is the list of possibly-interesting documents I’ve written, or talks I’ve given.

Linux namespaces slides (2019)

Slides here. See the blog entry for more background.

Google I/O 2012

“Running Google on Google”, a talk together with Jeff Bates. Describes how Google runs its corporate environment using Google products.

6a Conferenza Italiana sul Software Libero - Ancona 2012

“Ganeti development: assuring software quality using open-source workflows”. A talk on the ways we do QA in the Ganeti code-base, using open-source workflows, and the issues we are still working on improving.

FLOSS UK’s annual spring conference 2012

“Ganeti for Enterprise virtualisation”. Describes ways to implement enterprise virtualisation using Ganeti.

Xen Summit Asia 2011

“Xen @ Google, 2011”. An updated talk on the way we use Xen at Google; describes what open-source and internal components we use to manage virtualisation.

ICFP 2010

“Experience report: Haskell as a reagent”

Note: © ACM, 2010. This is the author’s version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution.

A paper on the use of Haskell and Python in the same project, based on the experience of developing Ganeti/HTools.

Xen Summit Asia 2008

“Xen in Real services: Project Ganeti at Google”. A talk on Google’s usage of Xen and Ganeti.