Energy bar restored!
Posted on July 17, 2016 with tags life. See the previous or next posts.
So, I’ve been sick. Quite sick, as for the past ~2 weeks I wasn’t able to bike, run, work or do much beside watch movies, look at photos and play some light games (ARPGs rule in this case, all you need to do is keep the left mouse button pressed).
It was supposed to be only a light viral infection, but it took longer to clear out than I expected, probably due to it happening right after my dental procedure (and possibly me wanting to restart exercise too soon, to fast). Not fun, it felt like the thing that refills your energy/mana bar in games broke. I simply didn’t feel restored, despite sleeping a lot; 2-3 naps per day sound good as long as they are restorative, if they’re not, sleeping is just a chore.
The funny thing is that recovery happened so slow, that when I finally had energy it took me by surprise. It was like “oh, wait, I can actually stand and walk without feeling dizzy! Wohoo!” As such, yesterday was a glorious Saturday ☺
I was therefore able to walk a bit outside the house this weekend and feel like having a normal cold, not like being under a “cursed: -4 vitality” spell. I expect the final symptoms to clear out soon, and that I can very slowly start doing some light exercise again. Not tomorrow, though…
In the meantime, I’m sharing a picture from earlier this year that I found while looking through my stash. Was walking in the forest in Pontresina on a beatiful sunny day, when a sudden gust of wind caused a lot of the snow on the trees to fly around and make it look a bit magical (photo is unprocessed beside conversion from raw to jpeg, this is how it was straight out of the camera):

Why a winter photo? Because that’s exactly how cold I felt the previous weekend: 30°C outside, but I was going to the doctor in jeans and hoodie and cap, shivering…