New corydalis 2024.9.0 release!

Posted on March 3, 2024 with tags , . See the previous or next posts.

Solving the one _major_ annoyance I had šŸ˜Ž

Obligatory and misused quote: Itā€™s not dead, Jim!

Iā€™ve kind of dropped by ball lately on organising my own photo collection, but February was a pretty good month and I managed to write some more code for Corydalis, ending up with the aforementioned new release.

The release is not a big one, but I did manage to solve one thing that was annoying me greatly: that lack of ability to play videos inline in one of the two picture viewing modes (in my preferred mode, in fact). Now, whether youā€™re browsing through pictures, or looking at pictures one-by-one, you can in both cases play videos easily, and to some extent, ā€œas it should beā€. No user docs for that, yet (I actually need to split the manual in user/admin/developer parts)

I did some more internal cleanups, and Iā€™ve enabled building release zips (since thatā€™s how GitHub actions creates artifacts), which means it should be 10% easier to test this. The rest 90% is configuring it and pointing to picture folders and and and, so this is definitely not plug-and-play.

The diff summary between 2023.44.0 and 2024.9.0 is: 56 files changed, 1412 insertions(+), 700 deletions(-). Which is not bad, but also not too much. The biggest churn was, as expected, in the viewer (due to the aforementioned video playing). The ā€œscaryā€ part is that the TypeScript code is not at 7.9% (and a tiny more JS, which I canā€™t convert yet due to lack of type definitions upstream). I say scary in quotes, because I would actually like to know Typescript better, but no time.

The new release can be seen in action on, and as always, just after release I found two minor issues:

  • The GitHub actions donā€™t retrieve the tags by default, actually they didnā€™t use to retrieve tags at all, but thatā€™s fixed now, just needs configuration, so the public build just says ā€œCorydalis fbe0088, built on Mar 3 2024.ā€ (which is the correct hash value, at least).
  • I donā€™t have videos on the public web site, so the new functionality is not visible. Iā€™m not sure I want to add real videos (size/bandwidth), hmm šŸ¤Ø.

Well, there will be future releases. For now, Iā€™ve made an open-source package release, which I didnā€™t do in a while, so Iā€™m happy šŸ˜. See you!