Still alive, but this blog not really
Posted on February 24, 2025 with tags life, debian. See previous post.
Where did all the time in the world go?
Sigh, sometimes I really don’t understand time. And I don’t mean, in the physics sense.
It’s just, the days have way fewer hours than 10 years ago, or there’s way more stuff to do. Probably the latter 😅
No time for real open-source work, but I managed to do some minor coding, released a couple of minor version (as upstream), and packaged some refreshes in Debian. The later only because I got involved, against better judgement, into some too heated discussions, but they ended well, somehow. But the whole episode motivated me to actually do some work, even if minor, than just rant on mailing lists 🙊.
My sports life is still pretty erratic, but despite some repeated sickness (my fault, for not sleeping well enough) and tendon issues, there are months in which I can put down 100km. And the skiing season was really awesome.
So life goes on, but I definitely am not keeping up with entropy, even in simple things such as my inbox. One day I’ll make real blog post, not just an update, but in the meantime, it is what it is.
And yes, running 10km while still sick just because you’re bored is not the best idea. According to a friend, of course, not to my Strava account.